To book a turf rental on Mindbody, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to this link:
- Sign in to your Mindbody account
- If you have purchased a class spot through RCTC's website, you should already have a Mindbody account and will use the same login information as when purchasing a class online
- If you do not have a Mindbody account, please create one using the "Create Account" button in the link above (next to "Sign In")
- Select the Turf or Skills tab if not already selected
- Follow the on-screen instructions to search the date/time you are looking for
- When you have found the date/time you would like to reserve, select the blue "Book" link
- Verify appointment details and select the blue "Book" button
- Follow instructions for payment as prompted
- If a card is not on file, you may be prompted to add a card for your reservation